Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Ice Skating

We went ice skating on Sunday for Lauren's 8th Birthday party, which was too fun! The boys have ice skated before. We even had them in a class to learn how to play hockey a couple of years ago, but they lost interest about a year into it so we quit going. They were excited about trying it out again and Rachel was looking forward to it and she probably didn't even know what ice skating was really about. We got everybody skated up and out on the ice we went. Nick went zooming around the arena just like he'd never been away from it. Michael had wobbly feet for a while, but soon got the hang of it again. Rachel loved it. She never quit smiling the whole time we were on the ice and we must have been out there for about 1 1/2 hours. She had a little walker that she pushed around and it helped her from falling, but she loved to fall. She would fall down on purpose just to try and get back up by herself. Todd and I grew up ice skating so we didn't have any trouble as long as the kids didn't fall down and drag us down with them. It was a super time and Lauren even got the treat of riding the big Zambonie. Thanks for inviting us!